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NSAI invites comments on OOXML/OpenXML standard

NSAI (the Irish national standards body) has posted an invitation for comments on its site regarding the proposed new Office Open XML standard (ISO/IEC DIS 29500). NSAI has established an ad hoc committee to consider the matter, and I am a member of that committee, together with a number of far more important and qualified people.

Anyway, we are anxious to hear from anyone who has a view on what way NSAI should vote on this standard when it reaches committee. If you can provide links to any relevant articles, that would also be very helpful. If you have time, please review the documents and leave your comments either here or send them to the committee.

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  1. I can only hope that this time around Microsofts proposal again gets shot down, for many many reasons (eg in line with patents held by Microsoft they could technically sue people using this “standard” in certain countries) but I just hope that regardless of the outcome the NSAI puts some pressure on the ISO to investigate what happened with the voting process in Norway for this non-standard.


  • » FON hotspot in TCD March 30, 2008

    […] I’m at an ad hoc committee meeting discussing OOXML in TCD. I’m logged in through a FON hotspot. Every college should have FON hotspots, loads of ‘em. […]

  • Bill de hÓra March 30, 2008

    NSAI taking comments on OOXML…

    The NSAI are accepting advisory submissions for the their vote on Office Open XML (ISO/IEC DIS 29500). Submissions are invited, which, to ensure that they can be considered as input to the advisory report to establish NSAI’s position, should be……

  • Justin Mason’s Weblog » NSAI invites comments on OOXML/OpenXML standard March 30, 2008

    […] Antoin writes: […]