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Become a primary school teacher, online

Now you can study to be a fully qualified Irish primary school teacher on the Internet with Hibernia College. It only takes 18 months and the degree is recognised by the Irish government. If a company like Hibernia College with very few employees and no campus of its own can set up and offer courses leading to professional qualifications, then what hope is there for bloated universities and colleges, with thousands of staff and expensive buildings?

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  1. hello

    i was just woundering what point and subjects do you need to become a primary school teacher

  2. I am a qualified B.Ed grad from Mary I of several years and I totally agree that it IS ridiculous how unqualified and qualified staff can work in the same role i.e mainstream teaching.There is no comparison between the high quality of education received by Mary I,Pats,Marino grads.and that of those who “attend” Hibernia.we’ve had parents complain that they don’t want their children taught by a Hibernia “graduate”.Also the Irish requirement in the Hibernia interview is very poor.

  3. I have a pgce, Uk equivalent of this Hibernia course. I wonder if this will qualify me to taech in Ireland, as I want to move home. For the record, I don’t feel these courses are a very good way of becoming a teacher. They cannot possibly prepare you in such a short space of time, for such a demanding and responsible job.

  4. Here are a few reasons why you SHOULD take the Hibernia College:

    1) This course has undergone an exhaustive accreditation process including scrutiny by an international panel of experts. Can the same be said for any other courses available? No.
    2) If you think Teaching Practice is a doddle at Hibernia College – think again. Hibernia College students must load up their lesson plans for every single lesson to a private area which can be viewed by teaching practice supervisors. This means that in addition to the normal visits to the school, the work of Hibernia College students can be scrutinised at any time by any number of supervisors and the course faculty team.
    3) The level of competence in the Irish language of Hibernia College graduates is higher than that of graduates in any other College of Education. The Gaeltacht component in particular has been repeatedly praised by Department of Education inspectors.
    4) Much of the Teaching Methodologies component of the course was designed and developed by highly experienced teachers who are or were seconded to the Primary Curriculum Support Programme. This programme is reponsible for teaching teachers about the revised Primary School Curriculum. Therefore, Hibernia College students receive the most up to date tuition from the most experienced teaching professionals.
    5) The course places more emphasis on the use of information technology in the classroom than any equivalent course. Furthermore this element of the course was designed by leading educational technologists from Trinity College Dublin. If you want to be able to harness the opportunity offered by technology in the classroom, then the Hibernia College course is the best option.
    6) Hibernia College graduates and Hibernia College faculty are innovative educationalists who believe that models of education should be challenged and re-apraised in order to have the best chance of providing superior quality education to Ireland’s primary school pupils. If you would prefer to be part of a student cohort that marches through the streets with banners saying “No to the Internet”, then St. Pat’s is the College of Education for you – and good luck.
    7) Hibernia College students are all postgraduates. This means they are able to arrive at a mature decision regarding their desire to be a primary school teacher, and that they bring with them the benefit of several years of experience from other professions.
    8) And finally here a list of items that are SAVED by students who study with Hibernia College – travel time, printed paper, accommodation costs in Dublin or Limerick, forward thinking in education and approx 12,000 euro per student (paid by the Department of Education to other Colleges of Education for every teacher they train – in addition to the course fees!)

  5. hey, am really interested in doing primary school teaching, am currently studying for my degree in early childhood studies, iv got my c3 in honours irish. Was wondering would it be easier to get accepted for a post graduate course in st.pats or with the hibernia course?? Where do i find information on when the interviews etc… are?? really grateful if someone could help me on this…

  6. Well,

    Just wondering if there are any graduates from Hibernia out there who could let us know how they got on with seeking employment???
    Am seriously considering Hibernia.

  7. hi am very interested in hearing more information from /about hibernia graduates. . could some one maybe let me know how they got on ??and did they seek work??, also is it recongnised worldwide???

    thanks a mill


  8. i think that this is a fantastic idea, and im only 15. i think that there should be more of these adds especialy if people can be a teacher with pride. good on ya!

  9. Hi i just wanted to askabout the teaching course. I have completed a computer degree last year and would love to do primary teaching but hear that that it is very difficult to get into this course. I am thinking of applying , i have honours irish but have no previous teaching experience. I know it says that this is not essential but have heard that without it it is unlikely i would get the course. Can you please let me know what u feel about this. Also can you tell me when i would want to get my application in for the next round which is in Oct i think?
    Thanking You for your help in advance


  11. I am amazed at some of the above comments from people who have attended m.i.c.e. etc, I too attented M.I.C.E for four years and i now intend to do the Hibernia course. With such an increase in the cost of living i think it is pathetic that others would begrudge individuals who want to further there education without landing themselves in massive debt. Yes m.i.c.e. is a good college but i firmly agree with Helen, i think we have all come across teachers who are not at all suited to the profession and have been doing it badly for years. It appears that the majority of negative comments are from people who think thay are above Hibernia when in fact graduates of Hibernia will have a Primary degree and a post graduate study completed. Is that not dedication? is that not hard work? So the impresion of a Hibernia qualification being an easy option really needs to be reviewed!

  12. Hey…if anyone has any information on what cao choices would help me become an Irish secondary teacher. I’ve been interested in doing this for years and I’m due to sit my Leaving Cert in June….any advice??

  13. Hi, I am also a mother and hope to do the Hibernia college postgraduate course. I have the interview for the course shortly and Iam wondering if anyone out there with some examples of interview questions that have come up in the past? Particularly the more recent round of interviews. I am more worried about the questions that could arise in the Irish part of the interview so examples of past questions asked in IRish would be most welcome!

  14. I don’t know anything about the course, but I got here via a search.

    I do know this – a lot of you haven’t the sense to do five minutes of research on basic issues such as cost, standard of Irish required etc. Or maybe it’s just laziness.

    Either way, I hope my kids will not be taught by anyone with such lack of initiative, online trained or not.

  15. I am a qualified accountant with an excellent leaving cert, an honours degree and first time passes in my professional examinations with training in the big 6 and successful but hugely demanding career and I find some of the comments about the hibernian college above extremely negative almost smacking of sour grapes. I really really want to become a teacher, I know it could be a vocation for me , all my family are teachers and when I taught in schools when studying I absolutely loved it so please dont try and look down on us as we are both highly qualified and obviously looking with a mature eye on perhaps the career we should have pursued if there was adequate career counselling in our schools. Can I ask is there much prejudice experienced by teachers who have qualifed through Hibernia?


    It´s twits like you that are keeping our pay down, saying stupid things like that. It´s ok for people like you who have husbands and your pay is only a second income. Of course teaching requires a degree.
    But I do also partially agree with your other comments. Bedside manner is just as important, for both doctors and teachers, as it were. But Hibernia is, and always will be, inferior.

  17. So that is the problem Conor? There is an issue around pay? You feel you should be paid more. And Hibernia is the scapegoat? I hope you are not bitter and perhaps this might take away from what you class as youre ‘ bedside manner’ in the classroom. No Irish prople or Hibernian graduates need apply……!!!!! is youre philosophy?I thought we had all grown up

    At the end of the day, we are moving towards a society where more and more learning and business will be conducted on line. Come back to this message board in ten years and I believe the way things are done will be changed dramatically. Think ten years ago and today. This country was practically bankrupt 15 years ago!And for the begrudgers if they are there, remember , this course is only part internet , it has been approved by the DOE which has taken advice from international impartial bodies , and as we all agree is it the bedside manner and the commitment the inspired nurturer of our future generations as all teachers hope to be…

  18. how much does it cost to become a teacher? i really want to be a primary school teacher!
    heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp me!

  19. As someone else said:-
    for all of you looking for information:-
    You already know the name of the college
    You obviously have internet access, so why don’t you just google it & find out for yourself!!!!!!

    For Hibernia Prost Grad.
    You MUST already have a degree. (which must be at Level 8 of the NFQ (Google it!!!)

    You MUST have Honours Irish (or an equivalent Irish Uni qualification)

    It is not necessary to have previous teaching experience. I have heard of many who have been accepted without. It would definitely help though, but voluntary work with children outside of school would also help (i.e. sports coaching etc)

    You get interviewed in English & Irish. Your Irish MUST me at the Leaving Cert Oral Exam level.

    It currently costs approx €8000

    Approx 1000 apply for each intake. There are 200-250 places.

    There are two sittings each year. One in Oct, one in Feb.

    Applications are accepted all year long.

    There is less snobbery towards Hibernia graduates now, as they have proven themselves time & time again.

    I’m currently repeating my Irish leaving exam. (I’m 27) I’m doing it myself. You don’t need to register with any college. Even if you did, you still have to register with the department yourself to sit the actual exam.

  20. hi Boozybabe.
    what do you mean you have to register with the dept yourself to sit the exam even if you register with a college? what if you are doing an irish course at a college? wouldnt they do all that for you just like when we done our leaving cert in school?

  21. Hi Boozybade,

    Can you tell me how i can register to re-sit my leaving cert irish – I have checked the departments website and I have had no luck.

  22. I think this is brilliant! I am a mother with a primary degree working in local government – I would love to be a teacher, I have got to that stage in life where I want to make a diffence. I am not in a position to give up work to do a full-time course but I am willing to put all my spare time into achieving my dreams. Well done Hibernia!

  23. Hey everyone,

    I just finished my exams this week with Hibernia college. I think everyone is different and different colleges suit different people. All the fulltime colleges are superb, I’m sure, but Hibernia college has a lot to offer and the academic standard is extremely high. Anyone who thinks that it is an easy ride will be sadly disappointed.

    I have been working as an SNA in a school and did my three teaching practices during that time too. I worked damn hard and earned my good grades. The negative comments were to be expected in 2003, but now, in 2007 when Hibernia students and graduates have proved time and time again to be equal to colleagues from other colleges, I am shocked to see the negative comments above about Hibernia.

    Conor, I apologise for getting personal but really? It is hardly mature professional teacher behaviour to call others who express their opinions “twits”. I hope that is not the practice in your classroom.

    Everyone who graduates from Hibernia, has at least one degree. They have life experience, they are not just out of college. I myself, have many qualifications including Montessori. This all on top of my pending Hibernia qualification.

    It is perhaps easy to scapegoat Hibernia because it is regarded as “not a real” course, despite the fact that a lot of us work in schools, we have to travel to areas over the country for lectures and onsites (without complaint I might add!) and we work really hard. During teaching practices, daily extremely detailed lesson plans, modular lesson plans, integrated flow charts, weekly plans and assessment records are all part of it.

    The Hibernia interview is not a doddle and you must prepare for it. Boozy Babe gave all the necessary details about it further up. You have to keep up with the work load and your work must be of a high standard or you will not do well. it is as simple as that. Of course, Hibernia has its’ problems and students have a lot of issues with the admin sometimes. It is not easy to do an online course when you cannot get face to face conferencing a lot of the time. But what college doesnt have its’ problems.

    I am a single girl in my late twenties who does not have a husband or want a second income “cos I’m bored”. I know that teaching is my vocation and I know that this was the right move for me as it will be for others. This will be my career for life. I paid for everything myself through a loan, which I might not have been able to pay back if I wasn’t also working.

    Hibernia gives people who might not financially get the chance to study, to do so. It totally depends on the person. I would not dream of being so rude as to knock any of the other colleges as I think they are all wonderful.Choose whichever is right for you as an individual.

    I would hope, that most people out there, would have the maturity, professional courtesy and open mindedness which is necessary in this job, to be of the same mind. If you don’t have the above traits, I would question why you are in the teaching profession – that is dangerous to the young minds of today – to be under the influence of narrow mindedness. While constructive criticism is necessary sometimes, blind negativity is not common sense.

    I appreciate that financial security is important, it certainly is to me, but I doubt Hibernia has anything to do with anyone having a low pay packet.

    The comments about parents not wanting Hibernia graduates to teach their children is just very sad, but hardly surprising if all they hear is negativity. I have never met one parent who had a problem. If a teacher can teach, he/she can teach, regardless of where they got their qualification. External inspectors from the Department of Education come to see Hibernia college students during Teaching Practice and are as strict on them as others. I wouldnt have it any other way, how else would you learn?

    It would also be foolish to assume that there have been no substandard or “inferior” teachers graduating from other colleges. Hibernia is certainly not inferior. It, like other colleges, has a lot to learn, but it also has a lot to offer. I really don’t mean to rant, but I feel it necessary to reply. I wish you well in your future careers everyone

    Take care,


  24. Just leaving another comment to see that my mature professional opinion affirming the college that I attended (Hibernia) was deleted by who ever is in charge here. I was not rude to anyone and gave good information. obviously freedom of speech is not welcome here.

    That is a great pity

  25. apologies, discard last comment everyone!! I am a bit cranky today!! sorry to all!!

  26. Hi!
    I am really interested in doing the Hibernia teaching online course, I have a first class honors degree in applied social studies in social care and have been working in the social care field for over a year now, however primary school teaching has always been my dream job but I never got the required points in the leaving cert, while I have honors Irish I cant speak a word of it and its holding me back from doing the course, could someone out there give me examples of questions asked in the interview and also if anyone knows of a good irish course around the cork area it would be a great help.

  27. hi,
    do i need honours irish..
    where do i find out more bout course..
    is it 2late to apply….

  28. Hey Lisa,
    if you got honours Irish, I’d say you can speak the cupla focail so don’t let under confidence hold you back. The interview is usually half and half (English and Irish). The irish part would be similar to some questions in the Irish leaving cert oral. Not sure about courses, but a good Beal scrudu book (school book) would be perfect practice for this. obviously if you can talk as gaeilge with someone, it would be better. Just think general conversation…what your name is, what you do, why you want to be a teacher, etc. I think the October 07 course is full, but you could check that out and apply for the Feb 08? Good luck.

    Em, yes I do think you need honours Irish but check it out.If you read through the information in the above posts, you’ll find what you need. You have to have a primary degree to do this course and all in all, it can cost up to 10 thousand euro by the time you have finished. look up HIBERNIA COLLEGE on the internet. I do think that perhaps that is the place to be looking and asking the questions, not here where there isn’t much help to be found!!

    best of luck,


  29. Hi everyone

    Can someone please tell me some of some of the questions both in Irish and English they were asked this year. Also if someone can give me a great answer as to why they chose the course woudl be a great help. i just need some impressive descriptive words.

  30. Hi…I am a third year Arts student and I was wondering if it is possible for me to apply for the H-Dip this year pending my degree result or do I have to have my Degree completed? I would appreciate any reply on this matter!!! Thanks…

  31. Hi everyone,

    For my interview with Hibernia, here are some of the questions I was asked:

    In English:

    Have I any paid work experience in a primary school?
    Why do I want to become a teacher?
    What did I study during my degree and what have I learned from it?
    Did I know anyone who has done the course before?
    What would I do if the principal told me my class weren’t disciplined enough?
    Do I think music is an important part of a child’s education?
    How would I balance working, studying and resting at the same time?
    What do I think of the IT aspect of the course?
    What attracted me to the Hibernia course?

    In Irish:

    Have I much Irish?
    What TV programmes do you watch?
    Have you been anywhere on holidays recently?
    Have I read any good books recently?
    Had I been to any Irish colleges when I was in school?

    There were three people on the panel and were all very friendly and helpful, especially with the Irish part.

    Good luck!

  32. I was just wondering how many points do you need in the Leaving Cert to become a primary school Teacher.

  33. Hi

    I have just read all the comments posted over the last four years and I am shocked at some of the very negative ones left by other teachers.

    I am seriously considering applying for the Hibernian course next year.

    I am 25 years old and have worked extremely hard over the last few years. I graduated from college with a first honours business degree and various awards. A fact that I am very proud of considering I also had my daughter, who is 6 now, 2 years into my dgree.

    I went on to work in a big 4 accountancy firm and have since qualified as a Chartered Accountant and a member of the Tax Institute of Ireland.

    People like myself applying for this course are giving up careers that we have worked hard in for years because we feel that this is what we truly could make a difference doing.

    If I get accepted into the course next year I will have to struggle financially for the course duration as I don’t believe I could hold down full time employment and completely dedicate myself to my studies. Even after graduation my starting salary would only be half of what I earn now.

    Please tell me how is this an easy route into primary school teaching!! Does this not show enough dedication?

    As a mother myself I would be happy in the knowledge that my child was being taught by someone who had put so much effort and dedication into working with and teaching children, whether this be at the age of 17 or 27!

    I would like to hear from people who have been successful in their application to the Hibernian course.

    Unfortuntely I will not be in a position to get paid work experience prior to applying but I am teaching swimming lessons voluntarily and have also done some unpaid voluntary work in a primary school. Do you think this will be enough experience to apply?

    If I get accepted I plan to give up my job and do resource teaching for the duration of the course.

    I would love to get advice from anyone who has done the course on whether they think I should be doing anything else to improve my chances of being accepted.

    My major issue is with the Irish. I understand from other comments that the level of Irish is on par with that of honours oral leaving cert. Can anyone confirm this?

    Look forward to hearing from (postive!) teachers and Hibernian students.

  34. Hey

    i was jus wondering could anyone tell me the requirements for entering this course,i have an ordinary degree in computers,but i have recently decided i would rather go down the path of being a teacher.i was basically wondering if i would eligable for this course with my ordinary degree,really appreciate any reply’s


  35. Wow!! What bitter people ex MIC people are!And why is that? Because u only did primary teaching because u got the points in your leaving cert and and it would be great for mommy and daddy to tell all the neighbours that little Mary is going to be a teacher regardless of the fact that little Mary couldnt teach a dog to sit still let alone an aimsir chaite to a bunch of 8 year olds?Or because most of you cant stand putting up with the kids who lets face it arent much younger than you and you would much rather be doing the gold coast of Australia or trekking in thailand??
    let me just open your tiny little institutionalised minds and explain the reasons why this course is a breath of fresh air:
    1)It is mainly mature educated working professionals who are applying for it not little Mary who is more interested in what time happy hour is on in the local than why the disruptive child in the classroom is missing from school that day again-could it possibly be because he has a learning diability and is playing up to a teacher who has recieved practically NO training on how to deal with children with INTELLECTUAL and LEARNING disabilities but who can recite every verb in every tense from the amisir chaite to the aimsir Fhaisneach!!! The same child will go on to be the thief of tomorrow and just like 7 children in the 90’s who didnt get into a secondary school due to poor reading and writing skills will end up in prison or dead. 4 our of 7 of those kids are dead, the other 3 in prision.
    People like myself who have years of working in “The real world” (yes it does exist other than the year abroad in Australia most people under 25 have experienced) have vast amounts of knowledge and experiece that would be extremely valuable in a classroom situation-dealing with parents, interperonal and communication skills, public speaking IT skills the list goes on. We are the people who have seen enough of the world to know that our talents are waisted if they are not used to HELP people, TEACH children, give them confidence in themselves, beleve that they are worthy, that they can make a difference, that they have a VOICE, that their dreams can come true. What would a 21 or 22 year old just finished in Mary I or St Pats know about life or teaching anyone? are they not children themselves without any life experience??Please do not knock or make JUDGEMENTAL comments and make sweeping statments about people you know nothing about. It was not our fault we had no proper guidance in the first place from teachers and guidance councillors to follow a path that we would all have been perfect candidates for but then again like everything else in life this is something we had to learn by ourselves.Due to morgages, children or other financial commitments we cannot all return to 18 months full time education and nor should we have to considering we have all spent a minimum of 4 years already in a third level institution.
    for the record I got a B3 in honours Irish and love the subject but my french friends can speak better english than i can speak Irish even though they have only be learning english for 5 years while i learnt Irish for 12 years.. there was no emphasis on oral Irish when I was in school only written Irish. No wonder everyone hates the thought of an oral interview even though we all learned the language for 12 years!! go figure.In any case having brillant Irish is really not the issue for teachers today as alot of children in today’s multicultural Ireland can barely speak English let alone Irish so perhaps you should re examine your priorities as a teacher if Irish is at the top of your list in a requirment to be a teacher..
    Finally I would like to point out to the begrudgers of this course I am working FULL TIME and will be for the duration of this course IF AND WHEN I get it…I will be paying TAX and guess where that tax money will be going?? You guessed it!!! It will go towards paying the fees to train the countries future primary teachers at colaiste Mhuire gan smal and the likes so I hope you put my money to good use cos I will be seeing you in the staff room at lunch times when I am a QUALIFIED PRIMARY TEACHER IN MAINSTREAM EDUCATION!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. well said caoimhe! jaonne who left that insulting reply for u needs to grow up and find something better to do wit her time.

  37. Reading this site would seriously turn mew off this course!
    Are these the people i would work with?? Is there really any need to slate those who havent held down a fantastic job since the age of 20 and who have taken time out to travel. Seems some people could do with the adventure. might broaden their little minds slightly! (which would indeed benefit all those kids in the classroom!!!)

  38. Hiyaa .. !
    Im In Year 11 In School Doin GCSE’S I Wana Be A Primary School Teacher And Im Going On To College To Do My A – Levels .. What Are The Best Subjects To Pick For A-Levels To Become A Teacher .. ?
    Could Any1 Help .. ?
    x x x x

  39. only got a d2 in honours irish, have a degree in bachelor of business, can i apply for this course, only can do online as i cannot afford to give up work

  40. can you tell me what I need to qualify for ths course, how much it costs and when it begins it sounds too good to be true

  41. hi, i am going to take my year 9 options soon and really want to become a primary teacher. can anyone give me any advice as to what i should take?


  42. what a load of codswallop, what are all you so called qualified teachers afraid of, is it the experience that older mature student have or are you threatened , if given a choice give me a Hibernia student any day they have gained their mastery on the ground
    Good luck to all Hibernia Students go teach em how to teach!!!!

  43. I am very angry about the introduction of the hibernia on-line primary teaching diploma. As a result of Noel Dempsey giving dept. of ed. recognition to this course, my son is suffering in such a graduate’s class.As a B.Ed myself, I spent many,many hours taking notes on teaching studies and classroom management.I see no mention of such modules on the scant hibernia website. My son,who has mild A.S.D.,was coping very well in the mainstream until this year.His 1st class report ticked the ‘very good’ box for classroom behaviour at the end of June ’07. Now, 6 months on, his hibernia ‘trained’ teacher can’t handle & has let his behaviour deteriorate dramatically. I am up the walls with worry.I am left to deal with the situation as best I can alone, as the school will only sing the dept recognition line. I am appalled that this so called diploma in primary teaching was rushed through to meet teacher shortages. I am dismayed at the number of “hibernates” being churned out of this milking machine of Sean Rowlands… into the 1000’s! God help the children of Ireland.

  44. I am a qualified school principal with a first class honours degree in education from T.C.D. I am currently completing my M. Ed.
    As a school principal, i sit on interview panels and i can honestly say that I would never entertain a hibernia student or give them an interview.
    I regularly go on the education posts website and read the comments that have been posted on it by “students” wishing to go on on the Hibernia course and I am disgusted by what I read. Comments by people on the course clearly show how relaxed the course is.
    I would love to know how many of the current studnts would have the points to get onto the B. Ed. course in a proper college of education such as MICE, St. Pat’s, Church of Ireland College and Froebel.
    I am aware that there are students on the course who are very highly qualified and will make excellent teachers. I hate tarring everyone with the same brush.
    The D.E.S. praise the course because it is so cost effective and a very cheap way to train teachers. There is no way that an 18 month stint on the Internet is adequate for delivering the primary school curriculum from infants to 6th class with all the current challenges that our education system has.
    I have evidence of students from Hibernia who were very unsatisfactory on T.P. but it didn’t matter because the “college” supervisior only visited twice and this was a retired teacher. Many of Hibernia’s supervisors are X-teachers who can earn extra money travelling around visiting hibernia students on T.P.
    Many hibernia students rant about life experinece being what they can bring to the classroom this is something we all have, they are no different. How can someone that has studied business for example go on the Internet and qualify as a primary teacher in just 18 months. If you calculated the exact length of the course I don’t think it even takes 18 months. Students from Froebel, Marino and the Church of Ireland College all achieve at least a grade C3 in honours Irish and then go on to study Gaeilge as part of their degree for three years while attending courses in Modhanna muinte Gaeilge. This is why teachers from these colleges are sought after.

  45. I am 32 and working currently a QS. I have an honours degree. While I am more than compotent at my job, I would rather teach. In order to do so, on a traditional route I would need to give up work. This is not a viable option. Therefore an online option while it may not be the best training available remains the best option for me.
    It may be true that this online course is inferior in quality, but I think that, it is only truly in a class room that a teacher is found to be good or bad. As a child I have had both and though I am an adult now, I still remember. Both good and bad teachers came from the traditional route.
    I am undecided about my future. However I think this online course looks like a good option to me.

  46. Principal.. What a load of crap? What planet are you on? Have you actually read the requirements for gaining a place on the Hibernia post-grad?. I suggest you take a look, that’s of course if you know how to use the internet. After all you sound a bit backward and maybe the internet is beyond your capacity.
    P.S I am honours psychology graduate, fluent in Irish currently on Hibernia course.
    My friend ( a Hibernia graduate) got a permanent job on her first year out. Are you ok? Feeling sick yet?
    To the other wan who posted m Marie your son sounds the product of a poor, unstable home environment where bad behaviour sounds and is probably the normal. I suggest you take a good look at your home situation, parenting and TEACHING style before you point the finger at the “Hibernia” graduate.

  47. To Catherine,you say you have a degree in psychology- therefore you should have knowledge about both basic & educational psychological assessments. You should have learned about autism.Your comments are both ignorant & irrelevant. If this is your attitude towards parents & teaching professionals, I suggest you take a long hard look at your choice of career i.e. your suitability for teaching.